Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is stated in the Svetasvatara Upanishad (6.8) 'The Supreme Lord has multipotencies, which act so perfectly that all consciousness, strength and activity are being directed solely by His will'. The material world, where we are now living, is called bahir-anga-sakti, the external energy of Krishna.Qualities of Srimati Radharani.
As explained in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (Nectar of Devotion), Krishna possesses sixty-four transcendental qualities. Srimati Radharani has twenty-five transcendental qualities, but She can control even Krishna by them. Her transcendental qualities are as follows:
She is sweetness personifiedShe is a fresh young girl
Her eyes are always moving
She is always brightly smiling
She possesses all auspicious marks on Her body
She can agitate Krishna by the flavor of Her person
She is expert in the art of singingShe can speak very nicely and sweetlyShe is expert in presenting feminine attractions
She is modest and gentle
She is always very mercifulShe is transcendentally cunning
She knows how to dress nicely
She is always shy
She is always
is always patient
She is very graveShe is enjoyed by Krishna
She is always situated on the highest devotional platform
She is the abode of love of the residents of Gokula
She can give shelter to all kinds of devotees
She is always affectionate to superiors and inferiors
She is always obliged by the dealings of Her associates
She is the greatest amongst Krishna's girl friends
She always keeps Krishna under Her control.
Understanding the mellows of the relationship between Krishna and Radha is impossible from the mundane perspective. Understanding madhurya-rasa (devotion at the platform of intimacy), which is the highest level of relationship of a devotee with Krishna, is only possible in the most elevated stages of bhakti where there is not even a tinge of material contamination. Therefore Svarupa Damodara Gosvami has written: "The loving affairs of Radha and Krishna are not ordinary, material loving affairs, although they appear like that. Rascals and fools misunderstand Krishna to be an ordinary man. They do not know Krishna's transcendental nature. They try to imitate Krishna"s rasa-lila, His dancing with the Gopis".
There is no offense greater than this. Devotees starting on the path of bhakti must carefully avoid such offenses. They must simply pray to Srimati Radharani, as their most compassionate Mother, for mercy, for bhakti and for an opportunity to serve Sri Krishna.